Fédération des kinésiologues du Québec
Kinesiology is defined as the use of muscle testing to identify imbalances in the body's structural energy. Kinesiologists undertake years of training to be able to help their clients maintain and regain physical fitness. Headed by the FKQ, kinesiologists write about rehabilitation, prevention and performance.
Recent posts from Fédération des kinésiologues du Québec
It’s Never Too Late to Get Active
“At my age, it’s too late to get in shape!” “Oh! But I’m way too old to start this activity!” “This sport is for young people!” How many times have I heard phrases similar to these in my career so far. Being too old is a popular excuse among adults, which is much more a […]
Don’t Have Time for Physical Activity?
Numerous studies that have examined the motivations and obstacles to participating in regular physical activity point to a lack of time as the main reason people report for their difficulty in adopting a more active lifestyle. Although the perceptions of these individuals are quite real, a more in-depth analysis shows that inactive people are more […]
Physical Activity, a Natural Prescription for Mental Health
It is no longer a secret to anyone; the pandemic can have a negative impact on mental health. Human beings are not designed to be constantly alert, to live in unpredictability, or to be isolated from their peers. If you are reading this and are lacking in energy, motivation, or are having a difficult time, […]
Physical Activity: The Best Medicine!
The many benefits of physical activity on your physical and psychological health no longer need to be proven. Exercise helps control the effects of aging including the loss of cognitive function, improves your functional capacities, quality of life and even your life expectancy. So that you can live longer and live better!
How Do You Practice Meditation?
We offer you here some tips to introduce you to meditation and help you learn the basics of this ancestral art.
5 Good Habits to Adopt to Improve Your Physical Condition
Unfortunately for us, bad habits are easy to begin and are sometimes difficult to stop. Here are 5 easy-to-incorporate daily habits that can positively impact your health.
The 4 Blockages to Physical Activity
These days, there are virtual workouts available at home, a growing popularity of running and marathons, a general encouragement to travel by bike, and large gyms available around every corner, which makes physical activity much easier to integrate into our daily lives. However, despite this new accessibility, certain obstacles can still block part of the population […]
Meditation: Helpful for Sports Performance
Contrary to what we might believe, meditation is not about stopping our thoughts or emptying the mind. Meditation “designates a mental or spiritual practice. It often consists of paying attention to a certain object of thought or to oneself. Meditation generally implies that the practitioner brings their attention in a centralizing manner to a single […]
When To Start Exercising After Childbirth?
Over-tired super-moms will often want to start working out too intensely and too fast whereas less athletic moms may start their rehabilitation too late (or sometimes not at all). How do you know when is the best time to start postpartum training?
6 Essential Accessories For Working Out At Home
No time to go to a fitness center? No babysitter for the children? Find yourself outside the city for work or a vacation? We admit that it is not always easy to stick to a fixed schedule when it comes to exercising! To overcome this difficulty and to help keep you motivated for staying active, […]
Famously Misunderstood: The Abdominals
In sports performance, having visible abs is like having flames on your car, while it may look cool, it doesn’t make it go faster. Whether you see someone’s abdominals or not simply depends on the person’s percentage of fat. So, having visible abdominals does not mean that they are necessarily strong or efficient.
The Importance of Mobility and Flexibility Exercises for Runners
First, before separating flexibility from mobility, here is the definition of each of these terms. Flexibility is defined by the range of motion around a joint. It improves the suppleness of the muscles and also regulates the nervous system. In comparison, “Mobility refers to movements in the joints of the body (between the vertebrae, knees, […]