For the last few years, some men grow their moustache in November. Do you know why?
They are followers of Movember (“mo” for moustache), a movement born in Australia in 2003 with the aim to raise awareness and funds for research in male diseases like prostate cancer. Noticing that men paid less attention to their health than women, and that male diseases remain taboo, the first thirty followers began to let their moustache grow for 30 days.
Internet and social media quickly spread the movement across the world, and now several countries run their own campaigns.
Men wishing to take part in Movember sign up on the official site, movember.com, and begin the month cleanly shaved. Once they’re officially “Mo Bros” they must grow and groom their moustache during the month of November. No beard or goatie is allowed, hairs must grow only above the upper lip. At the same time, participants are encouraged to collect donations via social media.
They can support participants by encouraging them, and can contribute financially to the campaign’s success. This way, they also become “Mo Sistas.”
Today, it’s estimated around 5 million Mo Bros and Mo Sistas support the movement. Over 600 million dollars have been collected throughout the world since the launch. The Foundation doesn’t just finance medical research, it also supports other projects, for example mutual aid agencies or mental health awareness campaigns. It also encourages initiatives to combat men’s physical inactivity in order to improve their overall wellbeing.
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