September 19 to 27 is Organic Week, Canada’s largest annual celebration of organic food, farming and products. Hundreds of retail locations participate in organic promotions, while over 200 community-level events are held across the country. Events include everything from pickling workshops to recipe contests, farm tours, or organic food and drink tastings.
The organic market continues to grow, as Canadian consumers look to reduce exposure to synthetic chemicals and genetically modified ingredients, and to make environmentally friendly choices. According to the Canada Organic Trade Association (COTA) the Canadian market is now the fourth largest in the world, and over 20 million Canadians choose organic products every week.
Organic Week is celebrating its 6th year anniversary this year. Events are rolling in fast. In Ontario, Organic Garage will be hosting their annual Organic Week Roadshow in support of Organic Week! In B.C., the Okanagan Greens Society will celebrate the 10th Anniversary Organic Okanagan Festival (at Summerhill Pyramid Winery).
To find more about Organic Week events or retail promotions in your area, please visit www.organicweek.ca.
If you wonder why you should support this event, here’s my TOP 4 reasons:
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