Comments on: Welcome to the Pestoblog! Eating well made easy Wed, 22 Jul 2020 19:09:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: laura Thu, 30 Jul 2009 18:39:02 +0000 Cara Cinzia,

I must congratulate you for the splendid job you are doing promoting our beautiful region in Montreal. Like you, I was born in Liguria and I do have a huge plant of basil in my garden, reminding me of the famous basilico di Pra’…not the same taste though!
well done and thanks for the help in the kitchen!

By: Cinzia Tue, 28 Jul 2009 12:31:57 +0000 Hi Mary,

Including member’s own recipes is on our list of improvements, but we do not have a committed date yet. Stay tuned for the new features. Thanks for your support.

By: Mary Tue, 21 Jul 2009 20:39:55 +0000 Hi, Love the idea of your website.
Looking forward to participating with questions and recipes.
Thank you

By: Cinzia Fri, 03 Jul 2009 14:46:10 +0000 In reply to Kathy Beaven.

Hi Filomena,

Thanks for your support. Your comments, suggestions and help are welcome.

By: Filomena Fri, 03 Jul 2009 09:59:44 +0000 Good morning Cinzia,
I enjoy listening to you on CJAD on Kim Fraser’s show, the website is full of great ideas and suggestions, and now, I look forward to reading Pestoblog. Love the name! Good luck and I will definitely visit the blog section to check what others are saying and to add my two “herbs” of comments or questions.

By: Cinzia Thu, 02 Jul 2009 15:55:20 +0000 In reply to Kathy Beaven.

Hi Kathy.

Thanks for your comment. We have 28 pasta recipes on our website that are low in cholesterol. Check them out!

By: Kathy Beaven Thu, 02 Jul 2009 13:07:34 +0000 I love any pasta dish and love cooking with basil in my sauces, soups, stews. While I try to use fresh if I do not have it on hand I will use dried. I love the flavor it adds to most dishes included an omelete! Could you recommend any pasta dishes that are not high in cholesterol?
