By eating more fish and less meat, you’ll reduce your fat intake and lower your “bad” cholesterol. And since these particular fish have a higher omega-3 content, eating them will also raise your levels of “good” cholesterol!
Photo: “Assorted Beans in Brown Sacks”, rawpixel.com, ©
Lentils, chickpeas and beans are also low-fat. And like oats, they are rich in soluble fibre. Challenge yourself to eat vegetarian food at least one day a week and explore new recipes like red bean chili, aubergine and chickpea lasagne or Indian lentil soup.
Photo: “Variety Of Fruits”, Oleg Magni, ©
Eating enough fruits and vegetables helps to improve cholesterol levels. Fill half your plate with different fruits and vegetables at every meal. Eat apples, pears, blueberries, aubergine, spinach, tomatoes, watermelon and papaya!
In addition to eating well, be physically active for 30 to 60 minutes, 5 to 7 days a week, maintain a healthy weight and avoid cigarette smoke for a healthy heart!
Every SOSCuisine meal plan pays special attention to foods that lower your heart blood cholesterol.
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