SOSCuisine helps you get MORE out of your food: more PLEASURE, more WELL-BEING and more VALUE for your money.
SOSCuisine meal plans are based on the Mediterranean diet to combine pleasure and health, while respecting your individual food preferences.
SOSCuisine exclusive! Our team of nutritionists has developed a range of specialized meal plans. Designed to achieve specific objectives, these meal plans help improve health (diabetes, hypertension, etc.), lose weight, improve sports performances or even adapt one’s diet to each moment in life (pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, etc.).
The meal plans are updated each week and can be personalized according to your desires. No more worries or food monotony!
All SOSCuisine recipes are quick and easy to prepare. SOSCuisine is also confident that these recipes will be a success every time, regardless of the number of servings, which is by no means the norm in cookbooks or websites.
The secret? We have created, tested and adjusted each of these recipes in-house many times and for different servings, in order to standardize them to make them error-tolerant. All of our recipes and photos are original and belong to SOSCuisine.
Instructions and quantities are accurate and detailed so as to leave as little room as possible for doubts and chance. Ingredients are easily available.
Each SOSCuisine recipe is accompanied by the corresponding Nutrition Facts Table, the number of servings of Canada’s Food Guide, Diabetes exchanges and nutritional and health claims.
The grocery List is automatically generated and reflects the meal plan for the week, regardless of whether you have modified it or not. An SOSCuisine exclusive!
It is organized by grocery departments, so you don’t waste time running from one aisle to another.
It is accessible from your smartphone, so you will never forget it again!
SOSCuisine has access to flyer specials from all the major supermarket chains in Canada. A growing number of smaller local grocery stores, such as Jardin Mobile (Quebec City) and Marché Adonis (Montreal) are also included in the table. SOSCuisine collates all the current specials in a table and analyzes them to show its users which specials are genuine, that is, really great rates and highly beneficial.
SOSCuisine allows you choose only the grocery stores that interest you, for scenarios that truly match your requirements.
Buying strategies: SOSCuisine allows you to choose between 3 different buying strategies:
Shopping scenarios: SOSCuisine identifies for you THE best purchase scenario, i.e., the best combination between the specials from your favorite stores, the ingredients you need and the purchase strategy you have chosen. For each scenario, we indicate the savings and the cost.
SOSCuisine provides you with an action plan every week. It is designed to help you prevent oversights and minimize the time spent in the kitchen. It gives you a step-by-step explanation of what to do and when to do it in order to prepare the proposed menus. Still and always an SOSCuisine exclusive.
SOSCuisine keeps you informed about the availability of local food, in order to let you focus on local and seasonal produce. So, you will eat fresher, tastier and more nutritious food.
The SOSCuisine Blog, (formerly the Pestoblog) was launched in 2009 by Cinzia Cuneo. Through it, she shares her tips for eating well made easy! She also touches upon current issues and discusses her ideas and opinions about food, cooking, gastronomy and health..
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