Italy honoured with world’s largest lasagne at Euro 2012
The Guinness World Record of the biggest lasagne has been broken last week in Poland. An Italian restaurant in Krakow has created a gigantic meat feast to celebrate the Italian soccer team, headquartered nearby during the Euro Soccer Championship.
Intuitive Eating: Putting an End to Diets
In recent years, the “Anti-diet” movement has gained momentum, with the aim of promoting sustainable alternatives to weight loss diets. One of them is the adoption of a more intuitive eating style.
8 Tips to Improve Your Cholesterol and Lipid Profile
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide, responsible for 30% of all deaths. A significant proportion of people have a high level of cholesterol, but many of them do not know it, because they do not feel sick. If left untreated, this problem increases the risk of suffering from CVD. A poor […]
Endometriosis and Nutrition
Endometriosis is a complex chronic and inflammatory disease that affects 1 in 10 women. It is characterized by the growth of endometrial-like tissues (the lining of the inside of the uterine cavity) outside the uterus. Despite its prevalence, this disease is still not well known, and its diagnosis can take 7-10 years.
Nutrition for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation and damage to the joints, with progressive destruction of cartilage and bones. Genetic and environmental factors determine one’s susceptibility to develop this condition. In recent years, a growing number of studies have shown that diet plays a central role in the risk and progression […]
Bone Health and Vitamin K2, What is the Connection?
Is vitamin K2 beneficial for your bone health? This is what we are going to explore in this article. You have probably already heard of vitamin K. Moreover, you may even know that it is known for its role in blood coagulation. But did you know that there are several types of vitamin K? Indeed, with the […]
Can Enzymes Help Relieve Your Digestion Problems?
If your digestive system causes you to suffer: diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas…, you have most likely already tried supplements of all kinds, and with varying results, to help relieve your symptoms. As you have walked through the natural supplements aisles of your local pharmacy or health food store you may have already noticed digestive enzymes […]
Is Your Fiber Intake Optimal?
A high intake in fiber from a variety of sources can help prevent a lot of health issues. However, did you know that the majority of people consume only half of the recommended fiber intake? Read this article to find out how you can optimize your fiber intake!
What Should You Eat to Help Strengthen Your Immune System?
The immune system is complex, and its proper functioning is influenced by several factors such as stress level, exercise, age, diet, tobacco, sleep… If we want it to be as effective as possible to protect us from pathogenic microorganisms, we must support it with a healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet. Eating well is […]