Cherry Clafouti

26 Reviews
88% would make this recipe again

A cherry flan.

Pronounced "kla-foo-TEE", this country-French dessert is made by topping a layer of fresh fruit with batter. The unusual name comes from "clafir", a dialect word meaning "to fill" (with cherries). It can be made with any ripe fruit, but the classic one, from the Limousin region, is made with unpitted cherries (not out of laziness of the cook, but because the pit provides a special flavour to the flan).

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Preparation : 15 min Cooking : 30 min Standing : 15 min Cooking Dish : 23 cm diameter
290 calories/serving


butter, unsalted, to grease the dish
1/4 cup sugar 55 g
340 g cherries, dark red "bing" 33
1/2 cup white flour (all purpose) 65 g
1 pinch salt 0.4 g
2 eggs size large
2/3 cup milk, partly skimmed, 2% 170 mL
1/3 cup whipping cream 35% 85 mL
3/4 tsp vanilla extract 3.75 mL
3/4 tsp icing/confectioners' sugar 2 g

Before you start

A hand-held mixer will make things easier for this recipe.


  1. Preheat the oven to 175°C/350°F. Butter a gratin dish that will hold the fruit in one layer; sprinkle the bottom and sides with 1 tablespoon of the sugar.
  2. Wash the cherries, pull the stems off, pat them dry, then lay the cherries in the dish.
  3. In a bowl, mix the flour, the remaining sugar, and salt. Add one egg at a time beating using a whisk or an electric mixer after each addition, until the mixture is thick and smooth. Pour in the milk, cream, and vanilla, while continuing to beat until smooth.
  4. Pour the batter over the fruit and bake 30 to 50 min, depending on the servings, or until the clafouti is nicely browned on top and a tooth-pick inserted into it comes out clean.
  5. Let the clafouti cool down 15-20 min, sift confectioners' sugar over it and serve luke-warm.

Nutrition Facts Table

per 1 serving (200 g)


% Daily Value




11 g

17 %

Saturated 5.9 g
+ Trans 0.1 g

30 %


130 mg


90 mg

4 %


42 g

14 %


2 g

8 %


27 g

Net Carbs

40 g


8 g

Vitamin A

15 %

Vitamin C

9 %


8 %


9 %


1 serving of this recipe is equivalent to :
Food Group Exchanges
Starches 1
Fruits ½
Milk and Alternatives 0
Meat and Alternatives ½
Fats 1 ½
Other Foods 1

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26 Reviews (22 with rating only) 88% would make this recipe again
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  • use my large pan with the copper bottom
  • leave under the grill 3 minutes instead of 1 to get a golden crust

This recipe is in the following categories

Eggs | Fruits | Desserts | High Vitamin D | Bake | French

Top Reviews

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october 20, 2021 | I would make this recipe again

Very easy and very tasty.. the only thing is that it took a lot longer to bake (for the liquid to set) than the recipe called for so don't worry if it's not done in the time that the recipe says.

Useful 7
may 21, 2010 | I would make this recipe again

I made this in a 9x9 glass baking dish and sliced it into squares.I served it warm with a bit of whipped cream. It was a hit! Very nice summer desert, not too heavy.

Useful 3
june 13, 2010 | I would make this recipe again

Really nice, not too sweet. We had it for a summer lunch with fruit. I agree with one of the other reviewers; it needs a longer cooking time. I made it to serve eight and it was nowhere near done for 45 minutes. I had it in for close to an hour. I noticed that the cooking time is 30 minutes for all the serving sizes, so when it doubles from 4 servings, I guess that's why it needs longer. Overall, great recipe. I will be making it every time I see cherries on special!

Useful 2

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